Opening Session SILVER Exhibitor - Humanetics Digital Europe - 24.OS04
T. Guenzel, "Opening Session SILVER Exhibitor - Humanetics Digital Europe", Proc. of 3DBODY.TECH 2024 - 15th Int. Conf. and Exh. on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 22-23 Oct. 2024, #OS04.
Opening Session SILVER Exhibitor - Humanetics Digital Europe
Humanetics Digital Europe GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Humanetics Digital Europe, part of the Humanetics Group, places the human being at the core of product development with its unparalleled body dimension database, containing scans of approximately 100,000 individuals. The company excels in body scanning and conducts extensive measurement surveys. Based in Kaiserslautern, the team specializes in making size, fit, and ergonomics measurable for various industries.
Demonstration & Presentation:
Proceedings: 3DBODY.TECH 2024, 22-23 Oct. 2024, Lugano, Switzerland
Paper/Presentation: #OS04
DOI: -
License/Copyright notice
Proceedings: © Hometrica Consulting - Dr. Nicola D'Apuzzo, Switzerland,
Authors retain all rights to individual papers, which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
The papers appearing in the proceedings reflect the author's opinions. Their inclusion in the proceedings does not necessary constitute endorsement by the editor or by the publisher.
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