Embedding Body Scanning in Bespoke Product Development Pipelines - 24.35

Gill, Simeon et al., "Embedding Body Scanning in Bespoke Product Development Pipelines", 3DBODY.TECH Journal, vol. 1, Oct. 2024, #35, https://doi.org/10.15221/24.35.


Embedding Body Scanning in Bespoke Product Development Pipelines


Simeon GILL, Kasey HATCH, Zeeshan AZAM, Muhammad CHEEMA, Clare RICHARDSON, Kristina BRUBACHER, Ruqey ALHASSAWI, Renhao WANG, P.U NAVODHYA, Steven G. HAYES

The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK


Body scanning offers opportunities to collect large amounts of measurement data more quickly and often with a better understanding of accuracy than manual methods. This data can be used to develop bespoke products, however, this requires consideration of how the data is captured and processed to be applied into the product development pipeline. This research outlines how the Apparel Design Engineering (ADE) group developed and explored approaches to utilise body scanning directly in bespoke product development.
The pipeline includes scan data collection, processing, measurement extraction (including error analysis and reliability), data preparation, parametric pattern development and the creation of bespoke products. We focused on developing products for a series of 5 dress forms, and explored measurement variability and accuracy to understand how our data may compare to manual approaches. In body scanning we utilised repeat scans to address the issues of allowable error during data collection.
Our research determined that scanner and manual measurements are generally comparable when taken at the same location. We further established that body scanning data can be utilised to create bespoke products with successful outcomes that recognise the individual’s body. We have established that body scanning can successfully drive bespoke patterns and facilitates the engineering of garment fit. These approaches can be realised with commercial body scanning applications and open source software. However, considerations must be taken regarding data management throughout the process and we propose some key considerations for the data management pipeline to realise body scanning to bespoke.


3D Body Scanning, Bespoke pattern development, Parametric pattern drafting, Engineered clothing fit.

Extended Abstract:



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Proceedings: 3DBODY.TECH 2024, 22-23 Oct. 2024, Lugano, Switzerland
Journal: 3DBODY.TECH Journal - Vol. 1, 2024
Paper/Presentation: #35
DOI: 10.15221/24.35

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Proceedings: © Hometrica Consulting - Dr. Nicola D'Apuzzo, Switzerland, hometrica.ch.
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