Measure.Match.Manage - 3D Body Scanning to Size Recommendations Tech Solution - 24.34

T. Luong, "Measure.Match.Manage - 3D Body Scanning to Size Recommendations Tech Solution", Proc. of 3DBODY.TECH 2024 - 15th Int. Conf. and Exh. on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 22-23 Oct. 2024, #34.


Measure.Match.Manage - 3D Body Scanning to Size Recommendations Tech Solution



BodiData Inc., Saratoga CA, USA


Bodidata's Measure.Match.Manage size-matching solution can eliminate the need for, and costs associated with free returns, while increasing the loyalty of customers to brands who use our solution.
This solution has been deployed in both Europe and North America with our partners in the Uniform Industry - at notable clients such as Mercedes-Benz.
To do this we created and patented Kora, the only handheld scanner that measures the surface of the underlying body of an individual wearing their normal street clothing. Kora is the only scalable body measurement solution because it does not require people to completely undress to obtain real body measurements.
Bodidata's Kora scanner is dramatically different than competing 2-photo or 3D video measurement technologies that use optical scanners. These optical solutions measure the visible surface of a person and require people to completely remove all their clothing to collect actual body surface measurements.
This is not a scalable alternative. Body dimension databases created with optical technology are not actual body measurements. It should be noted that Bodidata also owns these measurement solutions, including the original patent for 2-photo body measurement, which means we can speak honestly about their weaknesses compared to Kora.
Once the wearer has been scanned using the Kora scanner, their optimal sizes for relevant styles will appear in the portal. The details of the fit of each size are broken down clearly to allow the wearer to understand how each size recommendation will fit their unique body in each key area. The size recommendations are based on Bodidata's sophisticated size-matching algorithms that consider the properties of each unique style, including the intended fit of the garment, the wearer's functionality, safety and movement requirements, stretch, drape, grade, construction, and patterning, among other fit elements.
As some prefer a tighter or looser fit, the Partner Portal will also display the details of fit for other sizes and inform the wearer if it is an acceptable alternative fit. The optimal fit or preference selection can be recorded directly in the portal, along with the desired amount of each product. This data can then be sent directly to an ordering platform through an API integration or exported as a CSV.
The end-to-end scenario will be discussed and demonstrated live on stage at 3DBody.Tech.


3D Body Scanning, Size Recommenda4on, Millimeter Wave Radar, Mobile Scanner




VIDEO will be available here in Q3.2025.
VIDEO availble in proceedings


Proceedings: 3DBODY.TECH 2024, 22-23 Oct. 2024, Lugano, Switzerland
Paper/Presentation: #34
DOI: -

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Proceedings: © Hometrica Consulting - Dr. Nicola D'Apuzzo, Switzerland,
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