Apparel Fit Language Suited to 3D Body Processing Ecosystems - 22.41
E. Scott et al., "Apparel Fit Language Suited to 3D Body Processing Ecosystems", Proc. of 3DBODY.TECH 2022 - 13th Int. Conf. and Exh. on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 25-26 Oct. 2022, #41, https://doi.org/10.15221/22.41.
Apparel Fit Language Suited to 3D Body Processing Ecosystems
Emma SCOTT 1, Simeon GILL 2, Susan ASHDOWN 3, Gerald RUDERMAN 4
1 Fashion Should Empower, Victoria, BC, Canada;
2 Dept. Of Materials, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK;
3 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA;
4 Zdoit, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Colloquial language, reflective of the diversity of practitioners involved in 3D Body Processing (3DBP), has proven to be an obstacle toward shared digitization efforts. Here we distill language specific to apparel manufacturing for clarity toward the shared goals of the 3DBP ecosystem. The whitepaper "3D Body Processing Ecosystem Overview" simplified the processes within the 3DBP ecosystem using four assets: cover, coveroid, human, and humanoid. From this we understand a cover to be any product, garment, or material worn on a human and a coveroid and humanoid to be the models of the finished forms. Here we build upon this foundation to consider where language fails to provide clarity crossing the physical to virtual realms within the 3DBP ecosystem. Through this discussion, apparel challenges are highlighted from both the perspective of the apparel practitioner (requiring subjective, heuristic, sensory processes) and the software architect (requiring objective, logical processes). Perspectives on fit are provided clarity for future dialogue toward cross-platform solutions suited to the 3DBP ecosystem. The terms are applicable beyond the influence of current trends or style aesthetics and therefore scalable, relevant to well established manufacturing practices, yet sensitive to the art of garment design which is, and will remain, foundational to apparel practice.
garment fit, fit, 4D fit, fit assessment, fit mapping, 3DBP ecosystem, humanoid, coveroid
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Proceedings: 3DBODY.TECH 2022, 25-26 Oct. 2022, Lugano, Switzerland
Paper id#: 41
DOI: 10.15221/22.41
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Proceedings: © Hometrica Consulting - Dr. Nicola D'Apuzzo, Switzerland, hometrica.ch.
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