Drape of Virtual Garments on Body Models: Impact of Mechanical Properties of the Fabrics - 15.127
E. Buyukaslan et al., "Drape of Virtual Garments on Body Models: Impact of Mechanical Properties of the Fabrics", in Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 2015, pp. 127-133, https://doi.org/10.15221/15.127.
Drape of Virtual Garments on Body Models: Impact of Mechanical Properties of the Fabrics
Evrim BUYUKASLAN 1,2, Simona JEVSNIK 1,3, Fatma KALAOGLU 1
1 Istanbul Technical University, Textile Technologies and Design Faculty, Turkey;
2 Istanbul Bilgi University, Fashion Design Department, Turkey;
3 University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ins. of Textile Materials and Design, Slovenia
Virtual garments are expected to break a fresh ground for textile and apparel industry. When flawless virtual garments on virtual models are achieved, this triumph will hopefully put an end to costly prototype production and pave the way for shopping apparel online without any concerns. OptiTex is a CAD program that enables fashion designers to create their patterns and garments in a 3D form. This program allows user to insert body measurements to obtain the virtual model. 3D scanned body images can be also exported to OptiTex to achieve garment simulations on realistic body shapes. Even though 3D scanned body models are identically with the real body shape, the simulated garments are not that realistic yet. One of the underlying reasons is that, allocation of the garment on the avatar depends on the drape of the garment which is strongly correlated to fabric's mechanical properties. Fabrics are non-linear, non-homogeneous, viscoelastic structures which makes them very complicated to identify. On the contrary to many other materials, fabrics are subjected to very low loads such as gravity, body motions, skin frictions and fabrics own internal frictions. In this research, bending rigidity, shear rigidity, extension, compression of three compositionally same woven fabrics (53% polyester/ 43% wool, 4% elastane; plain weave) are measured by Fabric Assurance by Simple Testing (FAST) system. Drape ratio is another important fabric parameter which gives information about the formability of the fabric in real and virtual environment. "Cusick Drapemeter" is used to calculate drape ratio and number of drape nodes and amplitudes of the test fabrics. Finally real drape behaviors of these fabrics on a circular plate are compared with their virtual representations in OptiTex program in terms of drape ratios, node numbers and amplitudes. This study helps to understand how different fabrics drape on virtual avatars which can be provided from a 3D body scanner. At the end, the aim is to increase the interaction of garment and body model in virtual environment and obtain perfectly realistic representations of a virtual garment.
Full paper: 15.127.pdf
Proceedings: 3DBST 2015, 27-28 Oct. 2015, Lugano, Switzerland
Pages: 127-133
DOI: 10.15221/15.127
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Proceedings: © Hometrica Consulting - Dr. Nicola D'Apuzzo, Switzerland, hometrica.ch.
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