3D Anthropometric Data Set of the Head and Face of Children Aged 0.5-7 Years for Design Applications - 13.157

L. Goto et al., "3D Anthropometric Data Set of the Head and Face of Children Aged 0.5-7 Years for Design Applications", in Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Long Beach CA, USA, 2013, pp. 157-165, https://doi.org/10.15221/13.157.


3D Anthropometric Data Set of the Head and Face of Children Aged 0.5-7 Years for Design Applications



Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands


In product design, human body measurements are essential when it comes to products that need to fit the contour of the human body in order to be effective. When designing these products, designers must integrate anthropometric dimensions in their design process to optimize the usability and functioning of the product. In spite of the wide variety of available anthropometric tools, designers most commonly use traditional (1D) anthropometric information when designing and evaluating products. This does not always offer the detailed information of the human body shape required to develop a product with an optimal fit. This is especially the case for medical products such as respirators and orthesis, but also in consumer products, such as helmets and protective glasses.
3D anthropometry however, creates a significant opportunity for designers by offering detailed information regarding the shape of the human body. Advances in 3D imaging technologies have reinforced these possibilities in the field of anthropometry. With the use of these technologies, it is possible to capture a complete 3D image of the whole body in a matter of seconds, making the measurement process less invasive and therefor more suitable for populations that are difficult to measure with traditional means like children, elderly and physically impaired persons.
The objective of this study is to map the variation of children's heads and faces and to define a new way to present this 3D anthropometric data so that it is tailored for use in design. For the first stage of this study, an anthropometric survey was conducted, whereby the heads and faces of children between the ages of 0.5 to 7 years old were analysed. Around 300 boys and girls were measured combining traditional anthropometric measurements with measurements derived from 3D images. All subjects were photographed using a digital three-dimensional photogrammetry system (3dMD Face imaging system). This paper presents the preliminary 3D data set of the heads and faces of children aged 0.5-7 years for design applications and shows the summary statistics for some of the traditional anthropometric measurements.


3D Anthropometry, Children, Head and Face, Design


Full paper: 13.157.pdf
Proceedings: 3DBST 2013, 19-20 Nov. 2013, Long Beach California, USA
Pages: 157-165
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15221/13.157

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