Novel Photometric Stereo Based Pulmonary Function Testing - 12.091
J. Ahmad et al., "Novel Photometric Stereo Based Pulmonary Function Testing", in Proc. of 3rd Int. Conf. on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 2012, pp. 91-98, https://doi.org/10.15221/12.091.
Novel Photometric Stereo Based Pulmonary Function Testing
Jahanzeb AHMAD 1, Jiuai SUN 1, Lyndon SMITH 1, Melvyn SMITH 1, John HENDERSON 2, Anirban MAJUMDAR 3
1 Machine Vision Laboratory, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK;
2 School of Social and Community Medicine, Bristol University, Bristol, UK;
3 Bristol Children's Hospital, Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, UK
A Photometric stereo based unique and novel non-contact method has been developed to perform pulmonary functional testing. This system is based on two digital cameras and eight light sources. One camera observes the subject from the front and second from the back while subject is standing in the middle of rig wearing a tight white t-shirt. Registration between both sides of the rig is not required and light source direction calibration is only required once. The system can capture images of 1.4 Mega pixels at 110 frames per second (fps) using an ordinary desktop system and process it offline. Chest and abdomen wall motion is observed over time by estimating change in surface gradient calculated from Photometric Stereo. Very high (0.98) correlation between resulting volume from Photometric Stereo and Spirometer data is observed.
photometric stereo, pulmonary functional testing
Full paper: 12.091.pdf
Proceedings: 3DBST 2012, 16-17 Oct. 2012, Lugano, Switzerland
Pages: 91-98
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15221/12.091
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Proceedings: © Hometrica Consulting - Dr. Nicola D'Apuzzo, Switzerland, hometrica.ch.
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