Real Time Optical Patient Surface Motion Monitoring During Radiotherapy - 11.138
G. Price et al., "Real Time Optical Patient Surface Motion Monitoring During Radiotherapy", in Proc. of 2nd Int. Conf. on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 2011, pp. 138-144,
Real Time Optical Patient Surface Motion Monitoring During Radiotherapy
North Western Medical Physics, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK
The increasing use of aggressive radiotherapy treatment regimes means that patient monitoring during treatment delivery is assuming greater importance in image guided radiotherapy. Optical metrology to measure and correct bulk positional offsets has previously been demonstrated in this respect, but systems have not had the capability to offer high spatial and temporal resolution dynamic monitoring of wide field skin surfaces. We describe the implementation of a genuinely real-time optical skin surface measurement system, based on Fourier profilometry, and its clinical application in a radiotherapy treatment room. The system is capable of processing (image capture through to display) ~23 frames per second at 512x512 resolution. Three camera-projector pairs may be operated synchronously to provide a "wrap-around" surface, overcoming the line of sight limitations of the structured light projection approach. In addition to describing our implementation of the surface calculation algorithm, we additionally describe an application that we are currently evaluating in a volunteer study: the use of visual feedback of live body surfaces to reduce patient motion.
Fourier profilometry, image guided radiotherapy, patient motion, medical imaging
Full paper: 11.138.pdf
Proceedings: 3DBST 2011, 25-26 Oct. 2011, Lugano, Switzerland
Pages: 138-144
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Proceedings: © Hometrica Consulting - Dr. Nicola D'Apuzzo, Switzerland,
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