Development of 3D Virtual Models and 3D Construction Methods for Garments - 11.043

E. C. Hlaing et al., "Development of 3D Virtual Models and 3D Construction Methods for Garments", in Proc. of 2nd Int. Conf. on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 2011, pp. 43-51,


Development of 3D Virtual Models and 3D Construction Methods for Garments



Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology Technical University of Dresden, Germany


The requirements for the clothing industry have altered over the years. The production has to be changed from the standard mass production to the production of fast changing trendy range of products. Causations for this are market saturation, import pressure and constantly changing consumer preferences. In addition to a variety of fashionable materials and styles, high functionality and perfect fit of clothing are requisite. Due to the enormous competitive pressure it is imperative to reduce time and costs of product development in the clothing industry.
The aim of the research project is to develop 3D virtual models of lower bodies from the scanned data of different body types as a prerequisite for computer-aided 3D product development of loose-fitting garments.
As an example, lady trousers are constructed. In favour of the reproducible construction of fashionable/functional outerwear on the basis of automatically generated models, 3D construction algorithms based on commercially available software solutions have to be compiled and development tools have to be created. In doing so geometrical as well as functional variable parameters are predefined. The trouser can be modified by changing predefined parameters and can then be used as a basis for constructing the variety of trousers. Two-dimensional (2D) pattern pieces are automatically generated and modified if necessary. According to morphological changes the whole process proceeds automat ically up to 2D patterns and thus corresponds to a grading in 3D.


3D virtual models, computer-aided 3D product development, loose-fitting garment, 2D pattern, grading in 3D


Full paper: 11.043.pdf
Proceedings: 3DBST 2011, 25-26 Oct. 2011, Lugano, Switzerland
Pages: 43-51

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